Table of Contents

Extends: Group 


The MiniKeyboard node class allows a user to enter a string of letters and numerals. The string entered is displayed in a TextEditBox node that is part of the MiniKeyboard node.

The MiniKeyboard node is intended for users to enter a simple case-insensitive string consisting of the letters A-Z and the numerals 0-9. It is intended for use in functions such as "Search", where the entered string need not support general case-sensitive text entry. For general text entry, use a Keyboard node instead.

The MiniKeyboard node must have the key focus in order to work properly.

The default appearance of the MiniKeyboard node is very transparent, allowing the keyboard to pick up most of its color from what is rendered underneath it. The appearance can be customized by changing the keyboardBitmapUri and other fields.


textstring""Contains the string of characters that has been entered


Specifies the color of the key labels and icons when the Keyboard node does not have the focus


Specifies the color of the key labels and icons when the Keyboard node has the focus


Specifies the URI of an image file to replace the default keyboard image drawn underneath the key label and icons.

Note that this image must be carefully designed so that the key positions match the default image. Template images for SD, HD and FHD resolutions are provided below.



Specifies the URI of an image file to replace the default keyboard focus indicator. This should be a 9-patch image so that it can be stretched to the appropriate size for the double width keys.

TextEditBox node

system default

This provides access to the internal TextEditBox node so its appearance can be modified. You should not set this field, but you can set the fields of the TextEditBox node (such as, myKeyboard.textEditBox.textColor = "0xFF0000FF").



Specifies whether or not the internal TextEditBox node is displayed. In most cases, it is desirable to display the TextEditBox node so that the user can see the string as it is entered.

In some cases though, you might want to only show the Keyboard node. In those cases, the text field of the node will still contain the string entered by the user so that it can displayed in some different manner.

lowerCasebooleantrueSpecifies whether the 26 letter keys are displayed as lowercase or uppercase.

Keyboard Bitmap Templates

  • Use the links below to download the template files.
  • The files have opaque white lines that show the key outlines with the rest of the images fully transparent. Looking at the files in some image viewers that do not support transparency will result in the images looking all white.
  • When creating your own keyboard background artwork, you must maintain the size of the image and the position of the keys in order for it to align properly with the rendered key labels and icons.

SD MiniKeyboard Template

HD MiniKeyboard Template

FHD MiniKeyboard Template



SDMiniKeyboardTemplate.png (application/octet-stream)
HDMiniKeyboardTemplate.png (application/octet-stream)
FHDMiniKeyboardTemplate.png (application/octet-stream)