Created by Robert Burdick, last modified by Kevin Cooper on Jun 19, 2018
Table of Contents
The abstract base class of all SceneGraph nodes and the equivalent of the BrightScript roSGNode component. See roSGNode for supported interfaces.
Node class objects do not draw anything and are skipped in the render traversal of the SceneGraph node tree. The Node class provides the core parenting and key focus management functionality used by all nodes.
Field | Type | Default | Use |
id | string | "" | Adds a dictionary entry that allows the node to be retrieved with ifSGNodeDict findNode() function |
focusedChild | N/A | N/A | When a node or one of its children gains or loses the keyboard focus, the focusedChild field will be set and call its observer functions. In the observer function, typically, you use ifSGNodeFocus functions to query whether this node or some other node has the key focus or is in the key focus chain. Accessing the value of the field will result in script errors. |
focusable | Boolean | false | Provides a hint as to whether or not this node can take the key focus |
change | associative array | { Index1: 0, Index2: 0, Operation: none } | Read-Only Operations affecting the set of children of a Node are recorded in this field if, and only if, this field has been observed. The field associative array indicates the operation and two indexes, index1 and index 2, involved in the change. The operation is denoted by these value strings: Value | Meaning |
none | No operation on the children nodes since the change field was observed, indexes are irrelevant | insert | A child node was inserted at index1 | add | A child node was added to the end of the children node tree (at index 1) | remove | A child node was removed from position index1, and if index2>index1, all the children nodes between index1 and index2 inclusive were removed | set | The child node at position index1 was replaced with a new child node | clear | All the children nodes were removed | move | The child node at position index1 was moved to the new position index2 | setall | All the children nodes were replaced | modify | A pre-defined content meta-data field of a ContentNode node child at index1 was changed (only set for ContentNode node children when a pre-defined content meta-data field changes) |