IfList represents an ordered collection and is a built-in datatype in BrightScript.
Implemented By
Supported Methods
Description of Methods
ResetIndex() As Boolean
Reset current index or position in list to the head element.
AddTail(tval As Dynamic) As Void
Add typed value to tail of list.
AddHead(tval As Dynamic) As Void
Add typed value to head of list.
RemoveIndex() As Dynamic
Remove entry at current index or position from list and increment index or position in list.
Return invalid when end of list reached
GetIndex() As Dynamic
Get entry at current index or position from list and increment index or position in list.
Return invalid when end of list reached
RemoveTail() As Dynamic
Remove entry at tail of list.
RemoveHead() As Dynamic
Remove entry at head of list.
GetTail() As Dynamic
Get Object at tail of List and keep Object in list.
GetHead() As Dynamic
Get entry at head of list and keep entry in list.
Count() As Integer
Return the number of elements in list.
Clear() As Void
Remove all elements from list.