Table of Contents

Available since firmware version 7.0

The ifSGNodeChildren interface allows querying and manipulation of nodes in a SceneGraph node tree, such as creating new nodes, placing them at certain positions in the tree, and removing them. Note that if you want to use the methods on this interface to manipulate child nodes at the scene level, the nodes in question need to be wrapped in another element, typically a Group node. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<component name = "myScene" extends = "Scene" >

  <script type = "text/brightscript" >

    sub init()
      m.myGroup ="myGroup")
      m.label = m.myGroup.getChild(0)
    end sub



    <Group id = "myGroup">
      <Label id = "myLabel" ... />



In the example above, m.label will contain the roSGNode corresponding to the Label node after the getChild() call. On the other hand, the following will not work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<component name = "myScene" extends = "Scene" >

  <script type = "text/brightscript" >

    sub init()
      m.label =
    end sub



    <Label id = "myLabel" ... />



The Scene node children are hidden elements used by the SceneGraph framework. Thus, despite the fact that the Label node is in the scene <children> element, it will not be retrieved by getChild() .

Always remember that removing or replacing a node in a SceneGraph node tree can cause that node to be destroyed entirely if there are no more references to it.

Implemented By

Supported Methods

Description of Methods

appendChild(child as roSGNode)

Adds a child node to the end of the subject node list of children so that it is traversed last (of those children) during render.

createChild(nodeType as String) as Object

Creates a child node of type nodeType, and adds the new node to the end of the subject node list of children.

insertChild(child as roSGNode, index as Integer)

Inserts a previously-created child node at the position index in the subject node list of children, so that this is the position that the new child node is traversed during render.

removeChild(child as roSGNode)

Finds a child node in the subject node list of children, and if found, remove it from the list of children. The match is made on the basis of actual object identity, that is, the value of the pointer to the child node.

removeChildIndex(index as Integer)

If the subject node has a child node in the index position, remove that child node from the subject node list of children.

replaceChild(newChild as roSGNode, index as Integer)

If the subject node has a child node in the index position, replace that child node with the newChild node in the subject node list of children, otherwise do nothing.

getChild(index as Integer)

If the subject node has a child node at the index position, return it, otherwise return invalid.

getParent() as roSGNode

If the subject node has been added to a parent node list of children, return the parent node, otherwise return invalid.

getChildCount() as Integer

Return the current number of children in the subject node list of children. This is always a non-negative number.

reparent(newParent as roSGNode, adjustTransform as Boolean) as Boolean

Parents the subject node to another node specified by newParent. If adjustTransform is true, the subject node transformation factor fields (translation/rotation/scale) are adjusted so that the node has the same transformation factors relative to the screen as it previously did. If adjustTransform is false, the subject node is simply parented to the new node without adjusting its transformation factor fields, in which case, the reparenting operation could cause the node to jump to a new position on the screen. Returns true if the subject node was successfully reparented, false otherwise.

appendChildren(child_nodes as Object) as Boolean

Available since firmware version 7.2

child_nodesArray of child nodes

Appends the child nodes specified by child_nodes to the subject node. Returns true if the child nodes were successfully appended.

insertChildren(child_nodes as Object, index as Integer) as Boolean

Available since firmware version 7.2

child_nodesArray of child nodes
indexChild tree position index

Inserts the child nodes specified by child_nodes to the subject node starting at the position specified by index. Returns true if the child nodes were successfully inserted.  

removeChildren(child_nodes as Object) as Boolean

Available since firmware version 7.2

child_nodesArray of child nodes

Removes the child nodes specified by child_nodes from the subject node. Returns true if the child nodes were successfully removed.

removeChildrenIndex(num_children as Integer, index as Integer) as Boolean

Available since firmware version 7.2

num_childrenNumber of child nodes
indexChild tree position index

Removes the number of child nodes specified by num_children from the subject node starting at the position specified by index. Returns true if the child nodes were successfully removed.  

replaceChildren(child_nodes as Object, index as Integer) as Boolean

Available since firmware version 7.2

child_nodesArray of child nodes
indexChild tree position index

Replaces the child nodes in the subject node, starting at the position specified by index, with new child nodes specified by child_nodes. Returns true if the child nodes were successfully replaced.  

Starting from firmware version 8.1, when using replaceChildren() to update the content of each item in a markupGrid, if the developer supplies more items than there are in the original list (going from 4 items to 5), the 'extra' items are ignored and not added as children.

getChildren(num_children as Integer, index as Integer) as Object

Available since firmware version 7.2

num_childrenNumber of child nodes
indexChild tree position index

Retrieves the number of child nodes specified by num_children from the subject node, starting at the position specified by index. Returns an array of the child nodes retrieved. If num_children is -1, return all the children.

createChildren(num_children as Integer, subtype as String) as Object

Available since firmware version 7.2

num_childrenNumber of child nodes
subtypeNode type or extended type

Creates the number of children specified by num_children for the subject node, of the type or extended type specified by subtype. Returns an array of the child nodes created.

getScene() as roSGNode

Available since firmware version 7.6

Returns the node's root Scene. This returns a valid Scene even if the node is not parented.

update(aa as roAssociativeArray) as Void

Available since firmware version 7.6

This function takes the key-value pairs in the roAssociativeArray and maps the values to the respective field name in the calling node. This requires the field name to be present in the node prior to calling this function. If the field name is not present in the calling node, the value from the roAssociativeArray will not be mapped.

aa = {"a":"1", "b":"2", "c":"3", "d":"4"}
cn = createObject("roSGNode", "contentNode")
'At this point, cn would contain the following:
<Component: roSGNode> =
    change: <Component: roAssociativeArray>
    focusable: false
    focusedChild: <Component: roInvalid>
    id: ""
    a: "1"
    b: "2"
    c: "3"


The following methods can be called on any subject node and return the same global results. They can be used in a development channel for debugging purposes, but should not be used in a production channel.

These methods are similar to the debugger sgnodes commands. See Special SceneGraph Debugging Commands for information on the debugger sgnodes commands. Also please note that calling these functions from code should only be done for debugging purposes. Any calls to getAll(), getRoots(), getRootsMeta() and getAllMeta() should be removed from your production channels.

getAll() as Object

Available since firmware version 7.2

Returns an array with every existing node created by the currently running channel.

getRoots() as Object

Available since firmware version 7.2

Returns an array with every existing node without a parent created by the currently running channel. The existence of these unparented nodes means they are being kept alive by direct BrightScript references. These could be in variables local to a function, arrays, or associative arrays, including a component global m or an associative array field of a node.

getRootsMeta() as Object

Available since firmware version 7.2

Returns an array with every existing node without a parent created by the currently running channel. The existence of these unparented nodes means they are being kept alive by direct BrightScript references. These could be in variables local to a function, arrays, or associative arrays, including a component global m or an associative array field of a node. These unparented nodes are organized as an XML forest of trees.

getAllMeta() as Object

Available since firmware version 7.2

Returns a string with a dump of the same nodes as the getAll() method, organized as an XML forest of trees according to the usual parent-child node relationship. Cycles are handled with a reference entry in the tree rather than indefinite recursion.