This interface is deprecated.

Beginning July 1st, 2017, any new channels using this component will be rejected during certification.

Beginning January 1st, 2018, any updates to existing channels using this component will be rejected during certification.

Implemented By

Supported Methods

Description of Methods

SetSearchTermHeaderText(text as String) as Void

Set the text to be displayed for the header in the list area. This area could contain a list of search terms previously used as a search history or partial results in the case of a progressive disclosure search.

SetSearchButtonText(text as String) as Void

Set the text label to be displayed on the search button. For example "search", "find", etc.

SetClearButtonText(text as String) as Void

Set the text label for the button at the bottom of the list area. Example text might be "clear history", "clear results" or similar.

AddSearchTerm(searchTerm as String) as Void

Add an individual value to the search term list.

SetSearchTerms(searchTerms as Object) as Void

Set the search terms list to the values contained in the array provided. The argument is an array of string values to be displayed.

ClearSearchTerms() as Void

Clear all values from the search terms list.

SetBreadcrumbText(location1 as String, location2 as String) as Void

Breadcrumbs allow the application to display a two-part navigational title which shows the current and the previous locations in the application hierarchy (e.g. TV – Friends). If both location values are set, the application will display the title in breadcrumb format. If only the first location is set, the application will display the specified text in the title area like the SetTitle API call.

SetBreadcrumbEnabled(enable as Boolean) as Void

Show or hide the breadcrumb text in the title area.

SetClearButtonEnabled(enable as Boolean) as Void

Show or hide the clear button on the keypad.

SetEmptySearchTermsText(text as String) as Void

When there are no search terms, display the passed text param in the search terms box.

SetSearchText(text as String) as Void

Set the keyboard search string box to the passed text.

Show() as Boolean

Display or refresh the screen after creation or state changes.

Close() as Void

Close the screen and delete the associated object. Useful for avoiding screen flicker when the display order of your screens does not resemble a stack.



ifSearchScreen apparently does not contain a SetBreadcrumbEnabled() method, despite what the docs state.

BrightScript Debugger> port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
BrightScript Debugger> screen = CreateObject("roSearchScreen")
BrightScript Debugger> screen.SetMessagePort(port)
BrightScript Debugger> screen.SetBreadcrumbText("Search", "")
BrightScript Debugger> screen.SetBreadcrumbEnabled(true)
Member function not found in BrightScript Component or interface. (runtime error &hf4) in $LIVECOMPILE(769)

Firmware 5.0 b8043

Posted by at May 31, 2013 12:01