Implemented By

Supported Methods

Description of Methods

The ifSocketAsync interface provides asynchronous socket features that utilize a full-featured select loop in the firmware that communicates to the application using a BrightScript roMessagePort. This interface is valid on roStreamSocket and roDataGramSocket objects that were assigned a BrightScript port via SetMessagePort().

IsReadable() as Boolean

Returns true if underlying select determines non-blocking read is possible.

IsWritable() as Boolean

Returns true if underlying select determines non-blocking write is possible.

IsException() as Boolean

Returns true if underlying select determines non-blocking read of OOB data is possible.

NotifyReadable(enable as Boolean) as Void

Enable roSocketEvent events to be sent via the message port when the underlying socket becomes readable.

NotifyWritable(enable as Boolean) as Void

Enable roSocketEvent events to be sent via the message port when the underlying socket becomes writable.

NotifyException(enable as Boolean) as Void

Enable roSocketEvent events to be sent via the message port when the underlying socket gets an exception or OOB data.

GetID() as Integer

Returns a unique identifier that can be compared to the value returned by roSocketEvent.getSocketID() to match the underlying socket that the event is for.