Implemented by
Supported Methods
Description of Methods
Each of these operations except listen() is either synchronous or asynchronous as determined by the socket's blocking behavior. If there is a valid assigned roMessagePort, the blocking behavior is considered asynchronous (non-blocking). Otherwise, the blocking behavior is considered synchronous.
Listen(backlog as Integer) as Boolean
Returns true if listen can be done (generally if bound address is valid)
IsListening() as Boolean
Returns true if listen has been successfully called on this socket
Connect() as Boolean
Returns returns true connect is successful.
Still might not be complete if socket is non-blocking
Accept() as Object
Returns an roStreamSocket if connection is pending, invalid otherwise.
Use status to distinguish among success (eSuccess() or isConnected()), not ready (eOK()), and error.
IsConnected() as Boolean
Returns true if a connect or accept has successfully completed on this socket