The Application Manager APIs set application level attributes, which mostly affect the look-and-feel of the application. The use of screen styles gives each application a consistent look-and-feel, but it's often desirable to customize attributes such as colors, fonts, and logos for each application. Setting artwork and colors allows the developer to specify a theme for their application. If these values are not set, the application will use default values.

Supported Interfaces


The table below describes each attribute and its values, the screen types to which it applies, and the firmware version in which the attribute was first supported. Unless otherwise indicated, an attribute is supported in all firmware versions after the one in which it was first supported.

To save space, the screen types in the table are specified by a two letter code:

DiroMessageDialog, roOneLineDialog, roPinEntryDialog


All attribute values are strings.  Numeric values are specified as decimal strings.


AttributeScreen TypesValuesExampleVersion
BackgroundColorGr Li Pa Po Se Sp TeHTML HEX Color Value.#E0DFDF1.0
BreadcrumbDelimiterGr Li Pa Po Se Sp TeHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
BreadcrumbTextLeftGr Li Pa Po Se Sp TeHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
BreadcrumbTextRightGr Li Pa Po Se Sp TeHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
ButtonHighlightColorDi Se SpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
ButtonMenuHighlightTextDi Se SpHTML HEX Color Value.#0033FF1.0
ButtonMenuNormalOverlayTextDi Se SpHTML HEX Color Value.#B0B0B01.0
ButtonMenuNormalTextDi Se SpHTML HEX Color Value.#6868681.0
ButtonNormalColorDi Se SpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
CounterSeparatorGr PoHTML HEX Color Value.#00FF002.7
CounterTextLeftGr PoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00002.7
CounterTextRightGr PoHTML HEX Color Value.#0000FF2.7
DialogBodyTextDiHTML HEX Color Value.  Must be a grayscale value.#8080803.1
DialogTitleTextDiHTML HEX Color Value.  Must be a grayscale value.#3636363.1
EpisodeSynopsisTextPoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
FilterBannerActiveColorPoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
FilterBannerActiveHDPoURL to set HD Filter Banner Active/Focus Highlighterpkg:/images/Filter_ActiveHint_SD43.png1.0
FilterBannerActiveSDPoURL to set SD Filter Banner Active/Focus Highlighterpkg:/images/Filter_ActiveHint_SD43.png1.0
FilterBannerInactiveColorPoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
FilterBannerInactiveHDPoURL to set HD Filter Banner Inactive Highlighterpkg:/images/Filter_InactiveHint_SD43.png1.0
FilterBannerInactiveSDPoURL to set SD Filter Banner Inactive Highlighterpkg:/images/Filter_InactiveHint_SD43.png1.0
FilterBannerSideColorPoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
FilterBannerSliceHDPoURL to set HD Filter Banner Background Imagepkg:/images/Filter_BackgndSlice_SD43.png1.0
FilterBannerSliceSDPoURL to set SD Filter Banner Background Imagepkg:/images/Filter_BackgndSlice_SD43.png1.0
GridScreenBackgroundColorGrHTML HEX Color Value Must be a grayscale value#3636362.7
GridScreenBorderOffsetHDGrString representing point "(x, y)" that is the offset from the upper left corner of the focused HD image. Set to the negative width & height of border.(-25,-25)2.8
GridScreenBorderOffsetSDGrString representing point "(x, y)" that is the offset from the upper left corner of the focused SD image. Set to the negative width & height of border.(-20,-20)2.8
GridScreenDescriptionDateColorGrHTML HEX Color Value.#FF005B2.7
GridScreenDescriptionImageHDGrURL to set HD Description callout background image on Grid.pkg:/images/Description_Background_HD.ng2.8
GridScreenDescriptionImageSDGrURL to set SD Description callout background image on Grid.pkg:/images/Description_Background_SD43.png2.8
GridScreenDescriptionOffsetHDGrString representing point "(x, y)" that is the offset from the upper left corner of the focused SD image. Negative values have the description above and to the left of the focused image.(190,255)2.8
GridScreenDescriptionOffsetSDGrString representing point "(x, y)" that is the offset from the upper left corner of the focused SD image. Negative values have the description above and to the left of the focused image.(125,170)2.8
GridScreenDescriptionRuntimeColorGrHTML HEX Color Value.#5B005B2.7
GridScreenDescriptionSynopsisColorGrHTML HEX Color Value.#6060002.7
GridScreenDescriptionTitleColorGrHTML HEX Color Value.#00FFFF2.7
GridScreenFocusBorderHDGrURL to set SD Focus image on Active Grid Posterpkg:/images/Border_16x9_HD.png2.8
GridScreenFocusBorderSDGrURL to set SD Focus image on Active Grid Posterpkg:/images/Border_16x9_SD43.png2.8
GridScreenListNameColorGrHTML HEX Color Value. Must be a grayscale value#FFFFFF2.7
GridScreenLogoHDGrLogo formatted for display in the overhangpkg:/images/gridlogoHD.png2.7
GridScreenLogoOffsetHD_XGrOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display. Range 0 to 1280.5922.7
GridScreenLogoOffsetHD_YGrOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display. Range 0 to 720.312.7
GridScreenLogoOffsetSD_XGrOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display. Range 0 to 720.3242.7
GridScreenLogoOffsetSD_YGrOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display. Range 0 to 480.212.7
GridScreenLogoSDGrLogo formatted for display in the overhangpkg:/images/gridlogoSD.png2.7
GridScreenMessageColorGrHTML HEX Color Value. Must be a grayscale value#8080802.7
GridScreenOverhangHeightHDGrThe HD overhang height. Default: "69"752.8
GridScreenOverhangHeightSDGrThe SD overhang height. Default: "49"552.8
GridScreenOverhangSliceHDGrURI for the overhang slice (thin piece of top of screen border).pkg:/images/gridoverhangHD.png2.7
GridScreenOverhangSliceSDGrURI for the overhang slice (thin piece of top of screen border).pkg:/images/gridoverhangSD.png2.7
GridScreenRetrievingColorGrHTML HEX Color Value. Must be a grayscale value#CCCCCC2.7
ListItemHighlightHDGr Li PoURL to set HD highlight imagepkg:/images/listitem_highlight_hd.png3.1
ListItemHighlightSDGr Li PoURL to set SD highlight imagepkg:/images/listitem_highlight_sd.png3.1
ListItemHighlightTextGr Li PoHTML HEX Color Value.#CCCC003.1
ListItemTextGr Li PoHTML HEX Color Value.#00CC003.1
ListScreenDescriptionTextLiHTML HEX Color Value.#00CC003.1
ListScreenTitleColorLiHTML HEX Color Value.#CC00003.1
OverhangPrimaryLogoHDCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeSmall application logo formatted for display in overhang top left.pkg:/images/co_logo_sd.png1.0
OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetHD_XCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display.Range 0 to 1280251.0
OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetHD_YCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display films.Range 0 to 720501.0
OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetSD_XCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display. Range 0 to 720.251.0
OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetSD_YCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display.Range 0 to 480.501.0
OverhangPrimaryLogoSDCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeSmall application logo formatted for display in overhang top left.pkg:/images/co_logo_sd.png1.0
OverhangSecondaryLogoHDCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeSmall application logo formatted for display in overhang top left.pkg:/images/co_logo_sd.png1.0
OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetHD_XCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display. Range 0 to 1280251.0
OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetHD_YCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display films. Range 0 to 720501.0
OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetSD_XCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display.Range 0 to 720.251.0
OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetSD_YCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeOffset in pixels from the top-left origin of the display.Range 0 to 480.501.0
OverhangSecondaryLogoSDCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeSmall application logo formatted for display in overhang top left.pkg:/images/co_logo_sd.png1.0
OverhangSliceHDCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeURI for the overhang slice (thin piece of border at the top of the screen in HD size)pkg:/images/overhang_sd.png1.0
OverhangSliceSDCo Ke Li Pa Po Se Sp TeURI for the overhang slice (thin piece of top of screen border).pkg:/images/overhang_sd.png1.0
ParagraphBodyTextCo Pa TeHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
ParagraphHeaderTextCo Pa TeHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
PosterScreenLine1TextPoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
PosterScreenLine2TextPoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
RegistrationCodeColorCoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
RegistrationFocalColorCoHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
RegistrationFocalRectColorCoHTML HEX Color Value.#10FF80 
RegistrationFocalRectHDCoPosition and size of the HD focal rectangle. Four integer: (x,y,width,height).(228,360,120,82) 
RegistrationFocalRectSDCoPosition and size of the SD focal rectangle. Four integer: (x,y,width,height).(172,220,90,76) 
SpringboardActorColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardAlbumColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardAlbumLabelSpAlbum Labelon1.0
SpringboardAlbumLabelColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardAllow6ButtonsSpboolean stringtrue 
SpringboardArtistColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardArtistLabelSpArtist Labelby1.0
SpringboardArtistLabelColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardDirectorColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardDirectorTextSpDirector LabelWritten By1.0
SpringboardDirectorLabelColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardDirectorPrefixTextSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF 
SpringboardGenreColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardRuntimeColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardSynopsisColorSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
SpringboardTitleTextSpHTML HEX Color Value.#FF00FF1.0
TextScreenBodyBackgroundColorTeHTML HEX Color Value. Must be a grayscale value#8080804.3
TextScreenBodyTextTeHTML HEX Color Value.#3636364.3
TextScreenScrollBarColorTeHTML HEX Color Value.#CC00004.3
TextScreenScrollThumbColorTeHTML HEX Color Value.#00CC004.3
ThemeType Theme type. Generic-dark is the only valid value. Otherwise the default theme appliesgeneric-dark2.7
Example: roAppManager setting theme values
Sub SetApplicationTheme() 
    app = CreateObject("roAppManager")
    theme = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
    theme.OverhangSliceHD = "pkg:/images/Overhang_Slice_HD.png"
    theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoSD = "pkg:/images/Logo_Overhang_SD43.png"
    theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetSD_X = "72"
    theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetSD_Y = "25"
    theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoHD = "pkg:/images/Logo_Overhang_HD.png"
    theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetHD_X = "123"
    theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetHD_Y = "48"
End Sub