An associative array (also known as a map, dictionary or hash table) allows objects to be associated with string keys. Associative arrays are built into the language. They can be accessed implicitly by using the dot or bracket operators, or by calling functions from the ifAssociativeArray interface. For example, the last three lines in this example are equivalent:
aa = { one : 1, two : 2, three : 3 } x = aa["two"] x = aa.two x = aa.Lookup("two")
Supported Interfaces
This object is created with no parameters:
- CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
It can also be created implicitly by using an Associative Array literal.
Starting from firmware 8, the quoted keys in Associative Array literals are now case-preserving. This change improves the readability of your code and is compatible with JSON usage.
' Creation of associative arrays aa1 = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray") ' Explicitly aa2 = {} ' Implicitly aa3 = { ' With some initial values foo : 12, bar : 13 } ' Assigning values aa1.AddReplace("Bright", "Script") ' With explicit function calls aa1.AddReplace("TMOL", 42) = 112 ' With dot operator aa1["baz"] = "abcdefg" ' With bracket operator ' Accessing values print aa1.Bright ' With dot operator (will print 'Script') print aa1.Lookup("TMOL") ' With function call (will print 42) print aa1["boo"] ' With bracket operator (will print 112) ' Using ifEnum interface to walk through keys in an associative array for each key in aa1 print " " key "=" aa1[key] end for