The roAudioPlayer sends the roAudioPlayerEvent with the following predicates that indicate its valid event types:

isListItemSelected() as Boolean

A stream has been selected to start playing.

GetIndex() as Integer

Returns index of audio stream.

isStatusMessage() as Boolean

Status information is available.

GetMessage() as String

Returns one of the following strings:

"start of play"
Stream has started playing.
"startup progress"
Stream is preparing to play.
"end of stream"
A stream has finished playing. (deprecated)
"end of playlist"
A Content List has completed and stopped. (deprecated)
GetIndex() as Integer

When GetMessage() returns "startup progress", GetIndex() returns a value between 0 and 1000 indicating progress.

isRequestSucceeded() as Boolean

Stream playback has completed successfully.

GetIndex() as Integer

Returns index of audio stream.

isRequestFailed() as Boolean

Audio playback failed due to an error.

GetMessage() as String

Returns text description of error.

GetIndex() as Integer

Returns one of the following error IDs:

0Network error : server down or unresponsive, server is unreachable, network setup problem on the client.
-1HTTP error: malformed headers or HTTP error result.
-2Connection timed out
-3Unknown error

isFullResult() as Boolean

Audio playback completed at end of content.

isPartialResult() as Boolean

Audio playback was interrupted. 

isPaused() as Boolean

Audio playback was paused by the user.

isResumed() as Boolean

Audio playback has resumed.

isTimedMetaData() as Boolean

This event is fired when an ID3 timecode has passed with an event that includes key/value pairs for timed metadata that the Brightscript channel is interested in.

All timed metadata is released after it is delivered to the Brightscript channel. It is also released without delivery if the Brightscript channel did not indicate it’s interest in the data with a SetTimedMetaDataForKeys() call.

GetMessage() as String

Returns the string "Timed Metadata"

GetIndex() as Integer

Returns the PTS timecode

GetInfo() as Object

Returns an associative array of key/value pairs of timedMetadata at the pts timecode specified in the index.