The roCompositor allows the composition and animation of multiple roBitmaps and roRegions.
Supported Interfaces
The roCompositor can create and manage roSprites in a z-ordered list. The sprites can be of arbitrary size and can be thought of as planes. The compositor can manage collision detection between the sprites, support scrolling the sprite bitmap source, and support animated sprites (multi-frame sprites with frame-flipping animation). You may have multiple roCompositor components, and they can composite onto the same or separate bitmaps. That said, the most common scenario is to have a single roCompositor
Example: Scrolling a bitmap
Library "v30/bslCore.brs" Function main() black=&hFF'RGBA screen=CreateObject("roScreen") compositor=CreateObject("roCompositor") compositor.SetDrawTo(screen, black) http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer") http.SetMessagePort(CreateObject("roMessagePort")) http.SetUrl("") http.AsyncGetToFile("tmp:/VeryBigPng.png") wait(0, http.GetPort()) bigbm=CreateObject("roBitmap","tmp:/VeryBigPng.png") region=CreateObject("roRegion", bigbm, 0, 0, 1280, 720) region.SetWrap(True) view_sprite=compositor.NewSprite(0, 0, region) compositor.draw() screen.SwapBuffers() msgport = CreateObject("roMessagePort") screen.SetMessagePort(msgport) codes = bslUniversalControlEventCodes() While True msg=wait(0, msgport) ' wait for a button print "Msg: "; type(msg); " event: "; msg.GetInt() If type(msg)="roUniversalControlEvent" Then If msg.GetInt()=codes.BUTTON_UP_PRESSED Then Zip(screen, view_sprite, compositor, 0,-4) 'up Else If msg.GetInt()=codes.BUTTON_DOWN_PRESSED Then Zip(screen, view_sprite, compositor, 0,+4) ' down Else If msg.GetInt()=codes.BUTTON_RIGHT_PRESSED Then Zip(screen, view_sprite, compositor, +4,0) ' right Else If msg.GetInt()=codes.BUTTON_LEFT_PRESSED Then Zip(screen, view_sprite, compositor, -4, 0) ' left Else If msg.GetInt() = codes.BUTTON_BACK_PRESSED ' back button Exit While End If End If End While End Function Function Zip(screen, view_sprite, compositor, xd, yd) For x=1 To 60 view_sprite.OffsetRegion(xd, yd, 0, 0) compositor.draw() screen.SwapBuffers() End For End Function