Because the SceneGraph API includes BrightScript objects and interfaces, you have the flexibility to create SceneGraph application screens using a variety of methods. You can create the screens entirely in XML markup in the <children> element of the SceneGraph XML <component> element. This will create the SceneGraph node tree defined by the XML markup when the component is initialized. But you can also create and add nodes to the SceneGraph tree dynamically in BrightScript as needed for your application (for example, in response to user input). You can also configure existing or new nodes in the SceneGraph tree at any time in BrightScript. When and how you create and configure the SceneGraph node tree scene in your application XML files should depend on the intended flow of your SceneGraph application.
To demonstrate the various methods of creating and configuration SceneGraph node trees, the following SceneGraph components all display the same blue rectangle near the top of the screen. The SceneGraph node tree that is created is exactly the same for all the examples. You can verify that all the examples have the exact same screen appearance by downloading and "side-loading" the following application files:
File | Application |
---|---| | XML markup of node attributes | | BrightScript setting of node attributes | | Node attributes set in BrightScript from an associative array | | Node attributes set in BrightScript from attributes downloaded from a server using a Task node |
First, a component that uses XML markup exclusively:
<component name="rectangleexample" extends="Scene" > <script type = "text/brightscript" > <![CDATA[ sub init() end sub ]]> </script> <children> <Rectangle id = "exampleRectangle" color = "0x0000CCFF" width = "886" height = "44" translation = "[290,34]" /> </children> </component>
The blue rectangle is automatically created, and made a child of the component, according the attributes set in the XML markup fields. But in some cases, you might want to set the attributes of a node at a later time, after the node is automatically created (for example, you might want to change the color of a screen element node, or make it invisible). So the following component example sets the attribute fields of the same rectangle in BrightScript:
<component name="rectangleexample" extends="Scene" > <script type = "text/brightscript" > <![CDATA[ sub init() m.examplerectangle ="exampleRectangle") m.examplerectangle.color = "0x0000CCFF" m.examplerectangle.width = "886" m.examplerectangle.height = "44" m.examplerectangle.translation = "[290,34]" end sub ]]> </script> <children> <Rectangle id="exampleRectangle" /> </children> </component>
In this example, the rectangle node is only declared in XML markup, without any field attributes set. Rather, the attributes are set in the init()
function, and could be set anywhere at any time for any reason in the component BrightScript code. Note the use of the findNode()
function to allow declaring the rectangle object to be part of the component using the m
object reference variable (m.examplerectangle
). Then each attribute of the rectangle is set in BrightScript.
But a node can be created in BrightScript at any time, using functions like CreateObject()
and createChild()
; you don't have to use XML markup at all if your application is easier to write by creating SceneGraph nodes dynamically as needed. The following example shows how to create the same blue rectangle completely in BrightScript, and also shows how you might configure the rectangle attributes using an associative array:
<component name="rectangleexample" extends="Scene" > <script type = "text/brightscript" > <![CDATA[ sub init() = "pkg:/images/purplebg.jpg" rectattribs = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray") rectattribs.color = "0x1998CFFF" rectattribs.width = "886" rectattribs.height = "44" rectattribs.translation = "[290,34]" m.examplerectangle ="Rectangle") m.examplerectangle.color = rectattribs.color m.examplerectangle.width = rectattribs.width m.examplerectangle.height = rectattribs.height m.examplerectangle.translation = rectattribs.translation end sub ]]> </script> </component>
In this example, setting up an associative array to configure a simple rectangle at the time of component creation is a waste of time. But the following example shows how you might configure the appearance or behavior of a screen element node dynamically, by downloading the configuration attributes from your server when needed. For this example, you would need an XML (or JSON) file on your server containing the configuration attributes, as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <RectAttribs color="0x0000CCFF" width="886" height="44" translation="[290,34]" />
These are the same attributes set in all the other examples, only the location of the XML attributes has changed to your server. Now you need to set up a Task node to download the XML attributes file from your server (see Downloading Server Content and Task), and convert the attributes to an associative array, as was set up manually in the previous example:
<component name="getrectconfig" extends="Task" > <interface> <field id = "uri" type = "string" /> <field id = "rectconfig" type = "assocarray" /> </interface> <script type = "text/brightscript" > <![CDATA[ sub init() = "getConfig" end sub sub getConfig() rectconfigxml = createObject("roXMLElement") readInternet = createObject("roUrlTransfer") readInternet.setUrl( rectconfigxml.parse(readInternet.getToString()) rectconfig = rectconfigxml.GetAttributes() = rectconfig end sub ]]> </script> </component>
And then you can assign the attributes from the associative array to the rectangle node in BrightScript code in your component file:
<component name="rectangleexample" extends="Scene" > <script type = "text/brightscript" > <![CDATA[ sub init() m.examplerectangle ="Rectangle") m.readerTask = createObject("roSGNode","getrectconfig") m.readerTask.setField("uri","") m.readerTask.observeField("rectconfig","configureRectangle") m.readerTask.control = "RUN" end sub sub configureRectangle() rectconfig = m.readerTask.rectconfig m.examplerectangle.color = rectconfig.color m.examplerectangle.width = rectconfig.width m.examplerectangle.height = rectconfig.height m.examplerectangle.translation = rectconfig.translation end sub ]]> </script> </component>
Attachments: (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip)