Several BrightScript functions and components cannot be used in SceneGraph component scripts. Many of the BrightScript components that cannot be used provide duplicate rendering functionality as SceneGraph nodes, and cannot be used for that reason. You should use the equivalent SceneGraph nodes instead, if available. Other BrightScript functions and components can only be used in SceneGraph applications in a Task node.

The following are the BrightScript functions and components that cannot be used in the component scripts of a SceneGraph application, with additional information for many, such as:

  • SceneGraph nodes to use instead, if available
  • a function or component that can only be used in a Task node
ParseJson()Can only be used in a Task node
parseXml()Can only be used in a Task node
ReadAsciiFile()Can only be used in a Task node
roAppInfoCan only be used in a Task node
roAppManagerUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roAudioMetadataCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roAudioPlayerCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roAudioResourceCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roCaptionRendererUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roChannelStoreCan only be used in a Task node or in the main BrightScript thread
roCodeRegistrationScreenUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roCompositorUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roDatagramSocketCan only be used in a Task node
roFileSystemCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roFontUse the SceneGraph Font node instead
roFontRegistryCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roGridScreenUse a SceneGraph grid node instead
roImageCanvasUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roImageMetadataCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roKeyboardScreenUse a SceneGraph keyboard node type instead
roListUse a SceneGraph list node instead
roMessageDialogUse a SceneGraph dialog node instead
roMessagePortThis can be used when the SceneGraph application is launched, but not within the application component scripts
roOneLineDialogUse a SceneGraph dialog node instead
roParagraphScreenUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roPinEntryScreenUse a SceneGraph PinPad instead
roPosterScreenUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roRegionUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roRegistryCan only be used in a Task node
roRegistrySectionCan only be used in a Task node
roRSACannot be used in a SceneGraph application


User interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roSearchScreenUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roSearchHistoryCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roSlideshowUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roSocketAddressCan only be used in a Task node
roSpringboardScreenUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roSpriteUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roStreamSocketCan only be used in a Task node
roSystemLogCannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roTextScreenUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roTextureManagerUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roTextureRequestUser interface component, cannot be used in a SceneGraph application
roUrlTransferCan only be used in a Task node
roVideoPlayerUse the SceneGraph Video node instead
roVideoScreenUse the SceneGraph Video node instead