Roku SDK Documentation : SceneGraph Data Scoping

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SceneGraph applications have data object scoping rules that are similar to traditional programming languages. You have:

  • function scope: objects that can only be accessed within the function in which they were defined
  • component scope: objects that can be accessed anywhere within a component XML file, similar to file scope in traditional programming languages
  • global scope: objects that can be accessed anywhere within a SceneGraph application

These different levels of scoping are identified by the use of the m object reference which can be used to disambiguate and access objects at different levels, similar to the use of m in BrightScript. 

Function Scope

For creating objects with function scope, do not use the m object reference. For example, the following creates and defines several fields for a dialog object that can only be accessed within the function in which it is created and defined:

dialog = createObject("RoSGNode","Dialog")  
dialog.backgroundUri = "pkg:/images/sgetdialogbg.9.png"  
dialog.title = "Example Dialog"  
dialog.optionsDialog = true  
dialog.message = "Press * To Dismiss"

Component Scope

For creating objects with component scope, use the m object reference to identify objects that can be accessed anywhere within a component XML file. For example, if you wanted to create the same dialog object above in one function, but define it, or otherwise access it, in another function in the same component XML file:

sub createdialog()
  m.dialog = createObject("RoSGNode","Dialog") 
end sub

sub definedialog()
  m.dialog.backgroundUri = "pkg:/images/sgetdialogbg.9.png" 
  m.dialog.title = "Example Dialog" 
  m.dialog.optionsDialog = true 
  m.dialog.message = "Press * To Dismiss"
end sub Component Scope Reference

There is a special use of the m object reference in SceneGraph for identifying the top of the SceneGraph tree for a component XML file. To do this, use the object reference, which refers to the component itself. For example, to create the dialog object and assign it to the dialog field of a Scene node defined in a component XML file (which is the required usage of the Dialog node class), assign the dialog object to the dialog field using the object reference:

dialog = createObject("RoSGNode","Dialog") 
dialog.backgroundUri = "pkg:/images/sgetdialogbg.9.png" 
dialog.title = "Example Dialog" 
dialog.optionsDialog = true 
dialog.message = "Press * To Dismiss" = dialog

Likewise, if you want to use findNode() to find a SceneGraph node object anywhere in the SceneGraph tree for a component XML file, use the reference to start at the top of the tree:

m.categorieslist ="categorieslist")

Global Scope


  • To declare a data object at global scope, store it in a field or child of the global node. This global node may be accessed from the entire SceneGraph application.
  • To access the global node in components, use the predefined, much like
  • For access to the global node from non-component script as in source/main.brs, use getGlobalNode() called on the roSGScreen object.
  • In non-component script, where the global node is obtained using getGlobalNode(), you can store it in so that the syntax for subsequent references to it matches that for components.

For example:

screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")  
m.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")  
screen.setMessagePort(m.port) = screen.getGlobalNode() = "GlobalNode"

As noted, this is not necessary in component script, as is predefined.

You can access and set the fields, or the children nodes, of the global node from anywhere in the SceneGraph application. In the non-component example above, the global node idfield value is set to GlobalNode. Likewise, you can access and set the fields for the global node from components by accessing the component m to get its special global element:

Note that you cannot edit elements within associative arrays. You will need to take the associative array, modify it and save it back into the field. {red: &hff0000ff, green: &h00ff00ff, blue: &h0000ffff} ) 
m.rect ="Rect1") 
m.rect.color =
color = m.rect.color   
if m.rect.color =  
  m.rect.color =  
else if m.rect.color = 
  m.rect.color =  
  m.rect.color =  
end if