This component is deprecated.
Beginning July 1st, 2017, any new channels using this component will be rejected during certification.
Beginning January 1st, 2018, any updates to existing channels using this component will be rejected during certification.
The Keyboard Screen is designed to allow the user to enter an alpha-numeric string for searching, username/password registration or other purposes.
Supported Interfaces
Supported Events
This component is generally used as part of a sequence of screens and the results are displayed on the subsequent screen in the sequence. In the case of a search screen, results are displayed on the roPosterScreen and categories may be used to segregate TV and Movie results.
Diagram: roKeyboardScreen
Sub Main() screen = CreateObject("roKeyboardScreen") port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") screen.SetMessagePort(port) screen.SetTitle("Search Screen") screen.SetText("default") screen.SetDisplayText("enter text to search") screen.SetMaxLength(8) screen.AddButton(1, "finished") screen.AddButton(2, "back") screen.Show() while true msg = wait(0, screen.GetMessagePort()) print "message received" if type(msg) = "roKeyboardScreenEvent" if msg.isScreenClosed() return else if msg.isButtonPressed() then print "Evt:"; msg.GetMessage ();" idx:"; msg.GetIndex() if msg.GetIndex() = 1 searchText = screen.GetText() print "search text: "; searchText return endif endif endif end while End Sub
Image: roKeyboardScreen example results
worddave8836d15f1370885c4214cb8a60bc23f.png (application/octet-stream)
worddavf60895731d2a3656b27082f0468bc5d0.png (application/octet-stream)
worddavf60895731d2a3656b27082f0468bc5d0.png (application/octet-stream)