Table of Contents
Extends: Node
The ContentNode node class allows you to specify the data used to configure a node or component. Many nodes and components require a ContentNode node as the specification of their content
field in order to be properly configured. In general, lists, grids, and panels require a ContentNode node for configuration. The data included in a ContentNode node can be data such as the text for labels in the node or component, and the spacing between items in a list, grid, or panel, including data to create custom lists, grids, and panels. The reference information for every node or component that requires a ContentNode node includes a section that details the requirements of the ContentNode node for that node or component.
ContentNode nodes defined as the specification for a node or component content
field are typically structured as one ContentNode parent node, with a hierarchy of child nodes that specify the actual data, and sections of data if needed. For example, a LabelList node can have several sections that divide the entire list, each with their own section heading, and specific items in that section of the list. The ContentNode node for that LabelList node should have two levels of child ContentNode nodes, one level for the data to configure the list sections, and then another level of child ContentNode nodes for the data for each item in that list section.
A ContentNode node can also be used to specify the data for custom components with defined interfaces, and for nodes and components that require Content Meta-Data. Also, you should use a ContentNode node for complex structures of data for your application rather than associative arrays. ContentNode node objects are passed by reference in the application, while associative array objects are copied. For large complex data structures, passing ContentNode node objects is much quicker than passing the equivalent associative array object. You can use associative arrays for simpler data structures with just a few fixed members.
All of the attributes listed in Content Meta-Data can be set as fields in a Content node. However, when creating a Content node, the fields themselves are not created until the valid attributes are set as fields, using either assignment (=
), or set using setField() or setFields().
Creating ContentNode Nodes
To create a ContentNode node object and populate it with data, you can define the ContentNode node in XML markup, or create it using BrightScript. In both cases, you will usually be first creating or defining a parent ContentNode node, then creating or defining children ContentNode nodes below the parent, with possibly other levels of children ContentNode nodes.
As an example, to define a ContentNode node with one level of children ContentNode nodes, you should generally:
<ContentNode role= or id= >
<ContentNode content_meta-data_attribute = "attribute" ... />
The parent ContentNode node is defined with either an XML role
attribute or an id
field, depending on how you want to assign or use the content data. For the nodes classes that have a content
field that is to be assigned a ContentNode node, such as LabelList nodes, the parent ContentNode node should be defined as a child node of the node:
<LabelList id = "labellist" >
role = "content" >
<ContentNode title = "Renderable Nodes" description = "Basic Nodes That Show Things" />
<ContentNode title = "Z-Order/Parent-Child" description = "SceneGraph Tree Order Matters" />
<ContentNode title = "Animations" description = "Moving Stuff Around and Flashing Lights" />
<ContentNode title = "Events and Observers" description = "Reacting When Stuff Happens" />
In other cases, you can just use the id
field to allow you to access the ContentNode node later as an object for any purpose. In both cases, define additional ContentNode nodes with content fields as children of the parent ContentNode node.
To create a ContentNode node in BrightScript, you should generally:
- Create the ContentNode node object using
- Create child ContentNode node objects using
- Assign the data to the field(s) of each ContentNode child object
As follows:
ContentNode_object = createObject("RoSGNode","ContentNode")
ContentNode_child_object = ContentNode_object.createChild("ContentNode")
ContentNode_child_object.field_name = data
Assigning ContentNode Node Data To Nodes/Components
For nodes and components that require a ContentNode node as the specification of their content
field, you can define it as a child of the node or component in XML markup using the role
attribute, or just assign the ContentNode node object to the content
field as follows:
NodeComponent.content = ContentNode_object
For other nodes and components that don't require a ContentNode node, you can use getChild()
or a similar function to locate the specific child ContentNode node object that contains the data you want to assign to a particular node/component field:
ContentNode_child_object = ContentNode_object.getChild(child_number)
NodeComponent.field_name = ContentNode_child_object.field_name
If you are assigning a component node field with child elements of a ContentNode node, you should create the ContentNode node and all child elements, then assign the ContentNode node to the component node field. It is more efficient than creating a ContentNode node, assigning the ContentNode node to the component node field, then creating and assigning each child element using getChild()
. This is particularly true when creating and assigning ContentNode node data in different threads, which can be very inefficient. Also avoid getting individual data items or child elements repeatedly if it is more efficient to copy the data value locally and avoid the repetitive object accesses, particularly in two different threads.
All of the attributes listed in Content Meta-Data are accessible as fields using dot (.) notation on a ContentNode node object. For example, for a ContentNode node object iteminfo
, the Content Meta-Data Description
attribute can be read or written as follows:
You can also access ContentNode attributes as fields using dot (.) notation if you add the attribute as an <interface> element field to an extended ContentNode component. For example, you could extend a ContentNode as a custom listitemcontent
component with a componentname
field to include an XML component name in a list item:
<component name = "listitemcontent" extends = "ContentNode" >
<interface >
<field id = "componentname" type = "string" />
Then for a listitemcontent
ContentNode node object iteminfo
, you can read or write the componentname
field in the same way as if it were a Content Meta-Data attribute:
You can only use dot (.) notation to access ContentNode fields as attributes found in Content Meta-Data, or defined as an <interface> element field in a custom ContentNode component.
The following creates a component with a LabelList node populated with some specific content. To configure the content, a ContentNode node is created for the content
field of the LabelList node. The LabelList node is divided into several sections, so for each section, a child ContentNode node object is added to the parent ContentNode node using the addSection()
function. Then the individual items in each section of the list are added as child nodes of the section ContentNode node object using the addItem()
function. The functions access the global variables for the ContentNode object reference m.content
for the parent ContentNode node, and m.sectionContent
for the section ContentNode nodes.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> <!--********** Copyright 2015 Roku Corp. All Rights Reserved. **********--> <component name = "NodeSelectionList" extends = "Group" initialFocus = "coreList" > <script type="text/brightscript" > <![CDATA[ sub init() m.list ="coreList") m.content = createObject("RoSGNode","ContentNode") addSection("Renderable Nodes") addItem("Rectangle") addItem("Rotated Rectangle") addItem("Label") addItem("Poster") addItem("Video") addItem("Video Zoom") addSection("Animation Nodes") addItem("Animation Vector 2D Interpolator") addItem("Animation Color Interpolator") addItem("Animation Float Interpolator") addItem("Sequential Animation") addItem("Parallel Animation") addItem("Fade-In Animation") addItem("Fade-Out Animation") addSection("Control Nodes") addItem("Timer") addSection("Lists and Grids") addItem("Poster Grid") addItem("Markup Grid") m.list.content = m.content end sub sub addSection(sectiontext as string) m.sectionContent = m.content.createChild("ContentNode") m.sectionContent.CONTENTTYPE = "SECTION" m.sectionContent.TITLE = sectiontext end sub sub addItem(itemtext as string) item = m.sectionContent.createChild("ContentNode") item.title = itemtext end sub ]]> </script> <children> <LabelList id = "coreList" translation = "[ 160, 92 ]" itemSize = "[ 440, 48 ]" itemSpacing = "[ 0, 0 ]" sectionDividerHeight = "48.0" sectionDividerFont = "font:MediumBoldSystemFont" sectionDividerTextColor = "0x880088FF" /> </children> </component>