This interface is deprecated.

Beginning July 1st, 2017, any new channels using this component will be rejected during certification.

Beginning January 1st, 2018, any updates to existing channels using this component will be rejected during certification.

Implemented By

Supported Methods

Description of Methods

SetTitle(title as String) as Void

Set the title for the screen to the specified string.

SetContentList(contentList as Object) as Void

Set the list of content to be displayed by the screen. The caller passes an roArray of roAssociativeArrays (Content Meta-Data objects) representing the information for each title to be displayed on screen.  The screen is responsible for fetching the poster art from the URL's specified and all user navigation within the list.

GetContentList() as Object

Returns the roArray of content meta-data passed via the SetContentList call.

SetListNames(names as Object) as Void

Sets the list of categories to be displayed in the filter banner at the top of the poster screen. The caller passes the list as an array of Strings. Each String represents a new category to be displayed at the top. The display order is the same as the order of the categories in the array passed by the caller.

SetListStyle(style as String) as Void

Set the display style for the poster screen. Styles allow the poster screen to look differently for different types of content or different usage. The following is the list of valid screen styles:

  • "arced-portrait" – arced list of poster art displayed in portrait (tall) style for DVD/Movie poster artwork. This is the default poster screen display format. Artwork sizes: SD=158x204; HD=214x306
  • "arced-landscape" - arced list of poster art displayed in landscape (wide) style for 4:3 aspect ratio TV artwork. Artwork sizes: SD=214x144; HD=290x218
  • "arced-16x9" – arced list of poster art displayed in 16x9 aspect ratio. Artwork sizes: SD=285x145; HD=385x218
  • "arced-square" – Arced list of poster art displayed in a square frame style. Artwork sizes: SD = 223x200; HD = 300x300 Note: is non-square NTSC pixel aspect ratio images
  • "flat-category" – flat (non-arced) list of categories. This is generally used for the providers top level menu screen. Artwork sizes are: SD=224x158; HD=304x237
  • "flat-episodic" – flat (non-arced) list of episodes for series content such as a TV show. Artwork sizes: SD=166x112; HD=224x168
  • "rounded-rect-16x9-generic" – 16x9 poster style. Artwork Sizes SD=177x90; HD=269x152
  • "flat-episodic-16x9" – flat (non-arced) list of episodes for series content such as a TV show. Artwork sizes: SD=185x94; HD=250x141

SetListDisplayMode(displayMode as String) as Void

Sets the mode for displaying images in the poster screen. This allows images to be either scaled to completely fill the poster frame (scale-to-fill) or scaled to fit inside the poster frame (scale-to-fit) while maintaining aspect ratio. Valid display modes are:

  • scale-to-fill – scale image to completely fill the rectangle of the bounding frame (Default)
  • scale-to-fit – scale image to fit horizontally or vertically as appropriate while still maintaining aspect ratio. Note that scale-to-fit may result in pillar-box or letter-box display of images.
  • zoom-to-fill – scales and crops image to maintain aspect ratio and completely fill the rectangle of the bounding frame.
  • photo-fit – Uses several methods to fit the image with a different aspect ratio to the screen. First, it will asymmetrically scale up to a maximum of 5%. Second, for landscape images, if vertical cropping is necessary, it will remove two lines off the bottom for every one line off the top up to a maximum of 30% of the image. For all images, if horizontal cropping is necessary it will crop an equal amount from both sides.

SetFocusedList(itemIndex as Integer) as Void

Zero-based index of item in filter banner to be given focus. The selected item is displayed in the center of the filter banner and highlighted to designate focus.

SetFocusedListItem(itemIndex as Integer) as Void

Zero-based index of item in poster list to be selected. The selected item is displayed in the center of the screen and bordered to designate focus.

SetBreadcrumbText(location1 as String, location2 as String) as Void

Breadcrumbs allow the application to display a two-part navigational title which shows the current and the previous locations in the application hierarchy (e.g. TV – Friends). If both location values are set, the application will display the title in breadcrumb format. If only the first location is set, the application will display the specified text in the title area like the SetTitle API call.

SetBreadcrumbEnabled(enable as Boolean) as Void

Show or hide the breadcrumb text in the title area.

ShowMessage(message as String) as Void

Displays a semi-transparent popup message box to the user in the center of the screen over the poster screen. Generally used for error messages.

ClearMessage() as Void

Clears the message from the previous ShowMessage call.

SetAdURL(sdAdURL as String, hdAdURL as String) as Void

Set the URL of the banner ad image to be displayed on the poster screen. This is currently only valid for the "arced-landscape" and "flat-category" style of poster screens. Banner ad sizes are as follows:

Banner Ad HD = 728x90 Banner Ad SD = 540x60

SetAdSelectable(isSelectable as Boolean) as Void

Sets the banner ad to be selectable or display only. By default the banner ad is not selectable. When enabled the user can navigate and move focus to the banner image. When selected, the screen will receive an roPosterScreenEvent and the msg will return true for isAdSelected().

SetAdDisplayMode(displayMode as String) as Void

Sets the scale mode for displaying ad images on the poster screen. The ad display is only available on "arced-landscape" and "flat-category" list styles. Valid display modes are:

  • scale-to-fill – scale image to completely fill the rectangle of the bounding frame (default)
  • scale-to-fit. – scale image to fit horizontally or vertically as appropriate while still maintaining aspect ratio. This is the preferred display mode for ads.

Show() as Boolean

Display or refresh the screen after initial creation or state changes.

Close() as Void

Close the screen and delete the associated object. Useful for avoiding screen flicker when the display order of your screens does not resemble a stack.

SetFocusToFilterBanner(enable as Boolean) as Void

When enable is true, set focus to filter banner.

When enable is false, set focus to posters.

SetLoadingPoster(sdPosterUrl as String, hdPosterUrl as String) as Void

This function lets you specify the default images to show in the poster screen while the poster screen content is loading.