Roku SDK Documentation : SceneGraph Samples

Table of Contents

SceneGraph XML Tutorial

This SceneGraph XML tutorial walks you through the development of a complete Roku SceneGraph application using the following steps:

  1. We start with simple examples of defining renderable nodes to appear at certain locations on the display screen.
  2. We review how to animate those nodes to move around and appear on the display screen. 
  3. We show you how to create a dynamic application that responds instantly to user inputs and changes in application data.
    This includes how to automatically and asynchronously download new data selected by the user. 
  4. We demonstrate the many types of lists and grids that you can create to display choices to users. This includes the widgets available in Roku SceneGraph. 
  5. And finally we show you how to play the media files requested by a user in order to create your own custom video-on-demand application.

Each of the examples shown has a link to a downloadable ZIP file containing the example application.

Note the following for setup and use of the ZIP file:

  • Have a development and test setup.
  • Download each ZIP file.
  • "side-load" the ZIP files onto your test Roku Player to see how the XML markup shown in the example appears on the display screen connected to the Roku Player.
    Note how each entire application is set up in the various files and directories included in the ZIP file. This information is further described in Developing SceneGraph Applications.

Additionally, you may find this example application useful as an overview of all node types available in Roku SceneGraph:

Complete Application Setup

You can also skip ahead to see how a complete application is set up in Complete Tutorial Application. 

Since this application allows a user to select and play videos, it can provide valuable information on developing a video-on-demand application. Additionally, it will allow you to quickly see the various UI elements available in Roku SceneGraph. Note: Every node class, design, and development principle in this tutorial is shown in the Complete Tutorial Application.

Throughout the tutorial examples, there are links to the following sections that describe the specific SceneGraph nodes or principles demonstrated by each example:


Attachments: (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip) (application/zip)